Fantasian 2021 | Video Walkthrough | Gameplay | No Commentary
#1 Thaumatech Factory
#2 En-Old District
#3 Southern Forest
#4 Luxury Cruiser Uzra
#5 Vence City of Water
#6 Vence Midi Toy Box
#7 Do not touch
#8 A tale of two sisters
#9 I'm not panty thief
#10 Children of Outskirts
#11 Winter is coming
#12 Beware sealed chest
#13 Hello again
#14 Defeat Vam
#15 Unlock new feature
#16 Boss
#17 Continue our journey
#18 Help them and get stuffs
#19 Money! Money!
#20 Master Crafter Return
#21 Defend our Secret Base
#22 Rescue Mission
#23 Welcome back Captain
#24 I know you're in here
#25 I know you're in here 2
#26 Your turn, Valrika
#27 Gravitational Field
#28 Omelette wars
#29 Key to new world
#30 Key to new world 2
#31 Go to the God Realm?
#32 Palace Under Attack
#33 Tan's Grudge
#34 Tan's Grudge 2
#35 Nameless Island
#36 Kina and Owen
#37 Echoes in the Sandsea
#38 Satisfying Sebastian
#39 Metal Ribbidon
#40 The Sixth Elements - FIRE
#41 The Sixth Elements - LIGHTNING
#42 The Sixth Elements - EARTH
#43 The Sixth Elements - ICE
#44 The Sixth Elements - DARK
#45 The Sixth Elements - LIGHT
#46 The Story of Blik-0
#47 The Golem's Revival
#48 Ez and the Guild
#49 The Forbidden Chest
#50 Guided By Yim